Thinking of taking a Fish Oil Supplement? (Omega 3’s)

Thinking of taking a Fish Oil Supplement? (Omega 3’s)

Benefits Of Omega 3’S

Nearly all studies show that people with the highest levels of omega-3 live longer than those with lower levels We know that omega-3 fatty acids play a crucial role in heart and brain functions. The latest studies suggest that:

Omega-3’s will:

  • Lower triglycerides (but not cholesterol)

Omega-3’s may:

  • Prevent heart disease and stroke
  • Improve fetal and infant development
  • Help rheumatoid arthritis
  • Reduce risk of dementia
  • Help prevent eye problems
  • Improve mental health in children
  • Ease menstrual cramps
  • Reduce high blood pressure

Recently, there have been conflicting studies concerning the benefit of taking a fish oil supplement. It is important to remember that supplements can never fully replace the efforts of whole food nutrition and an active lifestyle.

What Is The Difference Between Omega-3, 6 And 9?

Omega-3 and -6 Fatty Acids are essential fats that we need to ingest, since the body cannot make them on its own. (Note Omega-9 is not essential, since the body can make it from other fats.) Most people get too much omega-6 from their regular diet, but not nearly enough omega-3. You don’t need to buy omega 6 or 9 supplements, but they are good oils to use instead of animal fats.

There Are Several Different Types Of Omega-3’s:

  • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
  • Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
  • Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) which the body converts to very small amounts of EPA and even smaller amounts of DHA. It is the DHA form of OMEGA-3 that has the most benefit on heart and brain health.

How Should I Take “Fish” Oils?

Ideally, your omega-3s should come from your diet. A 3.5oz serving of an oily fish like mackerel, tuna, salmon or sardines TWICE WEEKLY is needed to provide adequate amounts. If this is difficult for you, take a supplement combined with a diet which has less red meats and saturated fats, and more veggies and fruits (and fish whenever possible).

A Few Things To Keep In Mind:

  • The DHA content on the label is the most important ingredient
  • Aim for at least 100mg of DHA daily
  • If the label doesn’t specify the DHA content, most fish oils contain EPA:DHA in the ratio of 3:2
  • Do not exceed 5000mg of Omega-3s in one day
  • Some patients should not take fish oils so always check with your health professional first
  • The best source of DHA for vegetarians is an
  • algae based supplement (ie Barlean’s® vegan omega swirl)
  • If the fishy aftertaste is bothersome, try keeping capsule in fridge or freezer, or try vegetarian option.

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