Let’s Talk About Fibre!
What is Fiber
Fibre is a type of carbohydrate that does not get digested by the body the way other carbohydrates break down into sugar molecules. It helps the body maintain regular bowel movements and regulate blood sugar levels.
There are two types of Fibre that we need in our daily diet:
Soluble – dissolves in water and forms a gel-like substance in the GI tract. Soluble is better for lowering blood sugar, lowering cholesterol, and regulating digestion. It also has the added benefit of making you feel fuller which can aid in weight loss.
Insoluble – pass through the GI tract completed undigested; increase bulk in stool which can make it easier to pass.
Health Conditions Affected By Fibre:
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Constipation
- Breast cancer\
- Colorectal cancer
- Heart disease
- Cholesterol
- Diverticulitis
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Daily Fibre Recommendations:
- Women under 50 years = 25 grams
- Men under 50 years = 38 grams
- Women over 50 years = 21 grams
- Men over 50 years = 30 grams
Examples of food high in fibre:
- Apple, with the skin 4.4 g
- Raspberries, 1cup 8 g
- Banana 3.1 g
- Artichoke, cooked 0.3 g
- Green peas, 1cup 8.8 g
- Broccoli, 1cup cooked 5.1 g
- Oatmeal, 1cup cooked 4 g
- Lentils, 1cup cooked 15.6 g
- Baked beans, canned 10.4 g
- Almonds, 1oz 3.5 g
Fibre Supplement Options
While whole food sources of fibre are always preferable, there are times where an additional supplement can be beneficial. As you begin to add more fibre to your diet, make sure to add it gradually along with more water, as it can initially cause gas, bloating and cramping if it is added too quickly.
Psyllium Husk (Metamucil®) – condered the gold standard for fibre supplementation because it contains both soluble and insoluble fibre. It can help with both constipatsiion and diarrhoea, lower cholesterol, lower blood sugar and increase weight loss! We recommend drinking it soon after mixing with water as it forms a thick gel which can be unpleasant to swallow.
Wheat Dextrin (Benefiber®) – a soluble fibre source which is more palatable for those who cannot tolerate other fibres. It is flavourless and dissolves fully into liquid. Considered suitable for those with celiac because it contains less than 20ppm gluten.
Methylcellulose (Citrucel®) – a soluble fibre less likely to cause gas and bloating than other fibres.
Calcium Polycarbophil (Fibercon®) – an insoluble fibre, which also acts as a bulk-forming laxative helping with constipation.
Inulin (Fiber Choice®) – an insoluble fibre which is also prebiotic. This means that it helps feed the growth of all the good probiotics living in your gut allowing for good overall digestive health.
**Take medication 1 hour before or 2 hours after taking fiber supplement**
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